Bad weight loss advice – listen to your body, we are all different

Last week I thoroughly informed you why you shouldn’t listen to the most common weight loss advice: “Eat less, move more”. Today we are going to discuss an advice that is actually not so bad in principle. However, people interpret it in a wrong way. They follow it when they have cravings for chocolate or other […]

Child like easy instructions for sustainable fit body and optimum health

You don’t need a nutritionist or a personal trainer to obtain a fit body or good health Today you will find hundreds of ways online on how to reach a fit body and optimum health. Coaches and nutritionists will try to prove you, that the case is severely complicated. They will say that in order […]


Vsebine blagovne znamke Lucky Shelly spadajo pod društvo Ena Pot in jih varuje Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah (ZASP). Do vsebine lahko dostopajo vsi člani kluba Lucky Shelly, ki se odločijo, da bodo s srcem in prostovoljno donacijo podprli delovanje neprofitnega društva. S prostovoljno donacijo imajo doniranci možnost, da dobijo izbrane vsebine brezplačno.

Društvo na podlagi Ustave Republike Slovenije (URS) prepoveduje, da državni organi in njegovi zaposleni dostopajo do vsebin društva.

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